Alternation compensation is allways paid retroactively. The first compensations can be paid, when at least one week has elapsed since the start of the leave.

Your application for alternation compensation can be processed after all the needed attachments have been send to the fund and at least one week has elapsed since the start of the leave. Applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. You can check the status of your own application on the Application processing status -page of WebKassa -on-line-service.

The first batch of your alternation compensation will be paid once our application has been precessed. The first batch is usually for about 5 days of compensation.  You will receive a notification of payment via SMS. Please make sure, that the fund has your current mobile phone number on My data / Contact data -page of WebKassa. When your first compenstion is paid, you will also receive a decision of the alternation compensation by post.

After the first batch of payment the alternation compensation is paid retroactively in periods of 4 calendarweeks.

The payment day of alternation compensation is allways the Thursday of the week following the end of the payment period. If Thursday happens to be a public holiday the payment day is usually postponed because a public holiday is not a benking day.