How your unemployment benefit is paid, depends on your employment contract and the way in which the temporary lay-off has been carried out.

Lay-off from a part-time employment

If you are laid-off from a part-time employment, your unemployment benefit will be paid according to the rules that apply to part-time workers also during the layoff period - regardless of how the lay-off has been carried out. Read more about adjusted unemployment allowance.

In unemployment insurance, an employment contract is considered part-time if

  • the working time agreed in the employment contract is a maximum of 80% of the full working time (agreed working hours e.g. 30 hours/week)
  • the employment contract does not stipulate a minimum amount of working time (so-called zero agreements, agreed working hours e.g.  0 - 40 hours/week) OR
  • the minimum amount of working time agreed in the employment contract is not more than 80% of full working time (agreed working time e.g. 20 - 40 hours/week)

Lay-off from a full-time employment

If you are laid-off from a full-time employment, there are four ways in which you can be laid-off. In this case, how your unemployment benefit is paid, depends on the way in which the lay-off has been carried out.