When, as a result of lay-off, your daily working hours have been reduced from normal, the lay-off is considered to be a lay-off for a shortened work day. During a lay-off for a shortened work day, you can receive adjusted allowance for the entire lay-off week, if the salary paid during the lay-off week is based on a working hours that don't exceed 80% of the full-time working week. Working hours are reviewed on a calendar week basis based on the salary payment days, i.e. working hours are taken into account for the calendar week to which the salary payment date falls.
Example 1: You normally work 7,5 hours a day 5 days a week. You are laid-off for period 1.8. - 30.9.2021 so that your daily working hours are 5 hours a day, i.e. 25 hours a week. The lay-off is considered to be a lay-off for a shortened work day.
You are paid for a total of 110 hours of work for both August and Septemper (5 hours/day x 22 days = 110 hours). Salary is paid once a month, on the last day of the month. You can receive an adjusted allowance for period 1. - 29.8.2021 and 6. - 26.9.2021. Due to paid working hours exceeding the 80% limit, you are not entitled to unemployment allowance for the calendar week to which the August salary payment day falls. This is because the 110 working hours paid on 31.8.2021 are compered to the full working hours of one week. You are also not entitled to unemployment benefit for the calendar week to which the Septemper salary payment day falls (i.e. 27.9. - 3.10.2021), because the 110 working hours paid on 30.9.2021 are compered to the full working hours on one week.
Example 2: You normally work 7,5 hours a day 5 days a week. You are laid-off for 2 weeks during 2.8. - 15.8.2021 so that your working hours are 6 hours a day, i.e. 30 hours a week. The lay-off is considered to be a lay-off for a shortened work day.
You can receive an adjusted allowance for the entire lay-off period, because the salary for the period of 2. - 15.8.2021 is not paid until 31.8.2021.