Everyone need to send the following attachments to their first application:
- salary information for the latest 26 working weeks (equals six months) before lay-off or unemployment or lay-off. If your employer has provided sufficient information about your income to the Incomes Register (Tulorekisteri), the fund will use this information. Read more about conditions for claiming allowance. Read more about the salary information needed.
- an employment contract (työsopimus) for all employments that continue during lay-off or unemployment
- a salary statement / payslip (palkkalaskelma) of all salaries paid during the application period
- the tax decision of your latest confirmed personal taxation, if you or a member of your family has a business or income from agriculture of forestry during your period of unemployment.
Due to lay-off the following attachments are also needed for the first application:
- a lay-off notice (lomautusilmoitus)
- an employment contract (työsopimus)
- a salary statement / payslip (palkkalaskelma) for the lay-off month, if you have been paid salary even for one day during the lay-off month. The fund needs the actual payslip because the lay-off deduction on your salary is hardly ever clearly notified to the Incomes Register.
If your lay-off continues the following attachmenst are needed for the follow-up applications:
- a salary statement / payslip (palkkalaskelma) for the lay-off month, if you have been paid salary even for one day during the lay-off month.
- a salary statement / payslip (palkkalaskelma) of all salaries paid during the application period, if your have worked for other employers during the lay-off
- an employment contract (työsopimus) if you start a new job while laid off